10 questions to Pavlo Isenko


10 questions to Pavlo Isenko

Pavlo Isenko

country: Ukraine

date of birth: 21/07/2003

club: Vorskla Poltava

position: goalkeeper

Your favorite position on the pitch:

Goalkeeper, but I wanted to be a striker once.

What is your main strength:

Close-range shot-stopping ability for sure.

What is your main weakness:

Sincerely, I don’t know. I work on everything.

Your favorite Vorskla player:

Dmytro Riznyk and Olivier Thill.

Your favorite all-time player:

Cristiano Ronaldo.

The best U-21 player in world football:

Yegor Yarmolyuk.

The best player you have played with:

Olivier Thill.

The best player you have played against:


Your biggest football dream:

I want to achieve as much as possible.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years:

Life will show 🙂

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