Zito Luvumbo by Helner



Name: Zito André Sebastião Luvumbo

Country: Angola

Birthday: 09/03/2002

Position: Left/Right Winger


Play Style

Zito is a left-footed winger that can play on both sides. His great close control combined with his pace make him an excellent ball carrier. In addition to this, his technique and flair are also obvious standouts.

When there is enough space, he uses quick changes of pace and direction to get past opponents. This makes him incredibly hard to stop in 1v1 situations, as shown by his stats (as of 28/08/2019 he has won 3 penalties in only 2 matches).

Something that impressed me about him was his quick thinking in tighter spaces. He already knows what to do before receiving the ball and is often able to get out of those situations with his first touch, which allows him to leave defenders in the dust. The two examples below demonstrate that.

Despite being the most talented player on the teams he has played for so far, he is not selfish and, although his passing could use some work, he has the capacity to create quality chances through it – especially with his crossing technique, which is very good. This also makes him a big threat as a set-piece taker.

The Girabola is not the best league to evaluate a player’s potential, since a player with his characteristics would always destroy it but, at only 17, Zito is not only proving himself in the African Champions League but has also helped Angola U17 win the COSAFA Cup as well as reach the 3rd place in the U17 CONCACAF and a place in the U17 World Cup.


What’s next?

Zito has already been called up to Angola’s senior team for the World Cup qualifiers, an amazing feat for his age.

There’s not much time until Zito becomes way too good to still be playing in Angola so, as soon as he turns 18, he should join a club in Europe. Preferably one where he would get relevant game time. He has trained with Manchester United and has had offers from various clubs across Europe. His performances in the U17 World Cup will also have a big influence on it.

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